The Holistic Health Show

Release the Effects of Your Intergenerational Trauma

August 28, 2024 Elizabeth Kipp

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Elizabeth Kipp, a stress management and historical trauma specialist, discusses the impact of intergenerational trauma and its connection to chronic pain. She explains how stress, particularly chronic stress, affects the body and brain, and how it can be passed down through generations. Elizabeth emphasizes the importance of building resilience and using practices like ancestral clearing to release unresolved emotional and energetic burdens. The interview concludes with a guided ancestral clearing prayer and a discussion on the power of self-healing.

Guided Ancestral Clearing at minute 12:50. Be sure to listen!

We come into this life with the outright markings of our ancestors: eye color, skin color, hair color, and so forth. We come into this life with other ancestral markings, subtler but certainly as profound – those of unresolved issues from the past, like traumas from emotional heart ache, abandonment, and tragedies experienced through war and famine. Ancestral Clearing helps us clear these burdens from our ancestors and, therefore, from us. This modality heals your lineage and your past in this lifetime. Ancestral Clearing allows you to live up to your true potential in this lifetime rather than reliving your family's old patterns or past. It gives you the opportunity to have the space to feel into and live your own ideas, your own dreams, and your own heart. It allows you to differentiate your inner voice from the many voices around you so that you can experience the essence of who you truly are. Elizabeth will provide the foundational understanding of how the effects of trauma get passed down through the lineage and offer a process that can help with releasing it.

Guided Ancestral Clearing at minute 12:50. Be sure to listen!
Enjoy a FREE GIFT from Elizabeth!
Free Offer: Ancestral Clearing Prayers Ebook Ancestral Clearing Prayers Make peace with your past at last Release old patterns and limitations that are keeping you from moving forward in life with this powerful collection of 8 Ancestral Clearing Prayers encoded with a direct connection to Consciousness, the true source of healing and well-being.


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Author: The Holistic Health Show
Guest Speaker: Elizabeth Kipp
Category: Health and Wellness
Publish date: 2024-08-29
Duration: [00:20:24]


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[00:00:00] ​ 

[00:00:14] Amy: Hello, welcome back to the Holistic Health Show. Thanks for joining me again this week. Today on the show, we have Elizabeth Kipp. Today the topic is releasing the effects of intergenerational trauma. Now Elizabeth, I'd love for you to tell us a little bit about yourself, why you do what you do and jump right in.

[00:00:33] Elizabeth Kipp: Well, thank you so much, Amy. It's my pleasure to be here. So I'm a, a stress management and historical trauma specialist, trauma trained and yoga informed addiction recovery coach and ancestor clearing practitioner. And that sounds like a lot of hats, but it's really all under stress management. The person who's in recovery, we all have an addiction to something.

[00:00:54] Elizabeth Kipp: The way that we clear that stuff is to, is to manage, learn how to manage our stress. We all suffer from the effects of historical trauma and intergenerational trauma. I also do coaching around chronic pain.

[00:01:06] Elizabeth Kipp: That's kind of interesting because people are like, Oh, I have a sore back. Well, yes. And chronic pain is any pain that's felt 15 days out of 30 for three months or more. Any pain, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, it doesn't matter. It all sends the same signal to the brain. It hurts. And so a broken bone and a broken heart, same signal, right?

[00:01:27] Elizabeth Kipp: Same signal to the brain. It [00:01:30] hurts. So, that changes the brain, the way the brain perceives the world and how does it do that? We get into a cycle of dysregulation, activation kind of like we're under chronic stress. And we don't have a chance to really rest and we get, the stress response gets out of balance.

[00:01:52] Elizabeth Kipp: My business name is Elizabeth Kipp Stress Management. I bring in the , trauma work and the historical trauma and the ancestral clearing as part of getting ourselves back to balance. 

[00:02:03] Amy: We're becoming more aware, but stress, the impact it has on our, you know, our physical, our spiritual you know, our mental health, we are getting better with that, but it's, it's quite remarkable the long term impact stress can have.

[00:02:16] Amy: So I'm really happy that you're doing this work. And I was hoping that you could clarify what is intergenerational trauma? And I know you're going to get into a little bit about why you're doing that work, but could you first tell myself and the listeners what exactly it is?

[00:02:30] Elizabeth Kipp: Go into this a little bit of science, just a little bit of science, just so people can track it maybe a little bit more easily. A woman named Rachel Yehuda and her team have done just amazing, extraordinary work on looking at families, either people who experienced or their descendants, families that were in the Holocaust, experienced the Holocaust versus people that didn't.

[00:02:53] And she found out that the, the descendants of, People that have been in the Holocaust have different [00:03:00] cortisol levels than people who have not had that experience.

[00:03:04] Elizabeth Kipp: Now, for the listeners, cortisol is a stress hormone. It's a hormone that we release when we're stressed. As an example, when we get stressed the body actually has what's called a stress response. It's And there's a whole physiology that, that, behaviors and , chemistry that happens in the body in order for us to meet the, the threat that's stressing us out in the first place.

[00:03:30] Elizabeth Kipp: Cortisol is a part of that process. And cortisol levels go up when we are stressed. I was in a an experience last night where I got stressed. I live in Kansas, which is in the center of the United States, and we had a weather pattern that came in and we had the tornado sirens went off and we had a tornado that came in.

[00:03:51] Elizabeth Kipp: It went about two miles from where I live and when the tornado sirens go off in this, in this part of the world, we actually go to shelter, right? And I've been in tornadoes before, so I'm an actual in them. So I, I, I have kind of a, my nervous system has a history with like that noise and that kind of weather pattern.

[00:04:12] Elizabeth Kipp: So. I was much calmer than I had, I had been in the past because I've done a lot of work to kind of clear the charge, but, I still felt the effects of the stress, the way the body reacted, I was still stressful and I felt it this morning as a byproduct. It [00:04:30] was like all that cortisol created.

[00:04:32] Elizabeth Kipp: A, even though I was calm, there was still a certain amount and I felt a little bit off this morning. I was just not, I was just kind of tired and a little bit kind of dense in the body and, and so it's kind of like a stress hangover, right? That's cortisol, that's the result of cortisol acting on the system is an example of that.

[00:04:54] Elizabeth Kipp: So Rachel Yehuda found that, that people and that the descendants of Holocaust survivors or people that had been in the Holocaust, but their descendants survived, had this different relationship with cortisol and their resilience is different. So that was very interesting to me because that's showing an actual chemical pattern in the lineage.

[00:05:14] Elizabeth Kipp: That's an example of intergenerational trauma. Now the good news is that we can actually do practices that build our resilience. So I might be born with less cortisol, my, my cortisol not the same as others or too high. Cause like it's not balanced. And I can do resilience exercises, practices that help build that, so we can build resilience. 

[00:05:39] Amy: We can change that then moving forward to future generations, is that the idea as well? It, it impacts us and then future generations.

[00:05:46] Elizabeth Kipp: Yeah. So, that's interesting because when you think about that, there's some, there's some fluidity in the system. The system is, is plastic. It's alive. We can change. Right. We have this way that we, we [00:06:00] adapt to the circumstances that, that that we went through.

[00:06:03] Elizabeth Kipp: And the way I like to think about it from a kind of an evolutionary biology viewpoint is we're born , the DNA and the the hardware on the DNA and the software is our environment, right? We're born with a certain amount of information that comes into the DNA. And that information , reflects the environment that it came from.

[00:06:24] Elizabeth Kipp: So to kind of give us the best shot at this is what we think you're going to need in the next environment.? If that makes sense. So we, in this generation, we've got certain information and as the environment changes.

[00:06:36] Elizabeth Kipp: We can change that information so that the next generation gets, a slightly different set. So that's my that's my explanation of that. 

[00:06:45] Amy: Thank you. . I appreciate that explanation. Why did you jump into intergenerational trauma healing? 

[00:06:50] Elizabeth Kipp: I You know, I knew when I was about four years old, I had this awareness that I was in this family and I couldn't figure out what. all this darkness was. I just could feel the, weight and the, the energy of the family. And I'm just like, what, nobody talked about it. So, you know, I'm not going to talk about it because nobody else is talking about it.

[00:07:13] Elizabeth Kipp: And I don't even have a name it. And, but I, I felt it. I later understood when I got into the ancestor clearing work. I later understood that what I was, what I was noticing as a child was the, the heavy unresolved energy that my parents felt around , World [00:07:30] War Two and the depression, which they'd both gone through.

[00:07:33] Elizabeth Kipp: So, and who knows what they were carrying from their parents right on down the line. So I first experienced then, I was really young. Was a chronic pain sufferer for 40 years of my life. And it took me a while to find a doctor who actually understood the nature of chronic pain.

[00:07:49] Elizabeth Kipp: I went into his pain management program. Within the program, he had a wellness practitioner that brought in ancestral clearing and that was part of helping me clear my issues around chronic pain.. His name was John Newton, of Health Beyond Belief. , 

[00:08:06] Elizabeth Kipp: , and I have the science background and there was no discussion of this. We knew about genetics and we knew about informing DNA passing information. We knew about that and epigenetics was , maybe 20 years old by the time I went into that program.

[00:08:18] Elizabeth Kipp: But it's, it's, it's really a much bigger a much bigger area of study now. And anyway, I, I got so interested in that. I said, Oh, well, this is part of helping people deal with their stress. So when I have a new client, I'll listen to their story for a About five minutes and then kind of stop because I don't want them to identify with their story, but I want to hear their story and I want them to voice their story so that they can be seen and heard.

[00:08:45] Elizabeth Kipp: Then I usually take them through a like a little breath practice to help, you know, calm them it gives them some power. to calm themselves and then they also realize by, doing guided breath work, it only takes three minutes, [00:09:00] that they have power to shift their energy. And so now the client is empowered.

[00:09:05] Elizabeth Kipp: And , in a chronic stress kind of situation, when people are stressed like that, we forget we have power. So what I like to do with the clients, make sure that they know in their bones that they have power to change their state. Right? So I bring in the breathwork and then I bring in the ancestral clearing.

[00:09:21] Elizabeth Kipp: And then we, we do whatever we have to do. I've got a whole tool belt of stuff that I can use, but I, I like to bring those tools and right at the front. , another thing I'd like just to say when we're talking about the historical trauma and the way we react to things, we also have collective trauma, like in what's happening now.

[00:09:39] Elizabeth Kipp: So there's different layers to the trauma experience. , it's not simple. It's intricate, right? 

[00:09:46] Amy: And I suppose it's first acknowledging it or learning and then discovering how to address it.

[00:09:51] Amy: And hopefully this helps some people discover and think, oh, you know, maybe this is something I can do. We talk a lot about breaking family cycles and. moving past the past, but it's really not an easy journey and it's certainly not linear.

[00:10:06] The quantum physicists tell us that we can access the past, present, and future through the present moment. We have access to the past and the future through the present. That's a powerful statement 

[00:10:17] Elizabeth Kipp: And I've seen it and I've had experienced it myself. Some things that we carry, we can drop them right away.

[00:10:25] Elizabeth Kipp: You can feel it. The body, it releases, you feel lighter. It's kind of [00:10:30] interesting. Other things kind of come off on layers. So it kind of depends on what the thing is and, and you know, some stuff that I have I, I'm, I'm holding onto it for dear life.

[00:10:41] Elizabeth Kipp: Because for some reason, whatever, just hypothetically, there's a thing I'm holding on to it. Well, Ancestor Clearing is going to be a challenge there if I'm holding on to it, you know, for dear life. Because in some way it's serving me. Somehow it's serving me. So things that are, that I'm holding on to that are serving me, Ancestor Clearing is not going to work for.

[00:11:01] Elizabeth Kipp: Ancestor Clearing helps for helping us release the unnecessary. , that's where it shines. We use the words forgive to mean offering up to creator, right? Creator, source, God, whatever you want to call that energy, offering up that which no longer serves us. We use that word. We use the word forgiven the ancestor clearing process to mean that offering up which no longer serves us.

[00:11:22] Amy: Sounds like a great release for anyone going through this sort of a I don't know what you'd call it. What is it? Is it a therapy?

[00:11:28] Elizabeth Kipp: Well, from a Western medicine point of view, they would classify it as an energy transfer modality , and it's, it's complimentary to all other healing modalities which is kind of fun., we have doctors that are surgeons that do this work, , there's a bunch of different ways we get at the burden, but the, the way I can share with you today is, we do it in the form of a prayer So we're asking source, the source of all that is, to help us release that which no longer serves us, and we do it with humility and gratitude.

[00:11:59] Elizabeth Kipp: So [00:12:00] you can imagine, so we have some surgeons who actually, who have taken the practice, the training for this, and they, They do the prayer silently , over their patients when they're, while they're doing surgery, and they find that they get better faster. So that's interesting. You know, I'd love them to do studies on that, so we don't make claims that Ancestor Clearing heals anything, but we're addressing the spiritual aspects of the issue.

[00:12:23] Amy: And you mentioned, we chatted a little bit just before we started the episode about walking through an ancestral prayer today. Is that something we could do now?

[00:12:32] Elizabeth Kipp: I'd love to do that. Yeah. Wonderful. 

[00:12:35] Elizabeth Kipp: Whether it's live or whether we're you're listening to the broadcast that the clearing process works on the replay just as much in the live, again, because we're accessing the present moment and we can access the past and present through that.

[00:12:48] Elizabeth Kipp: . And everyone who's listening to this, if you could just sit quietly and notice kind of notice sensation in the body. Like, I can feel my sitting bones on the chair and I can feel my feet on the floor. And I've got a little bit of tension in the left side of my upper back, just the left side of my spine, into my neck.

[00:13:07] Elizabeth Kipp: Maybe it's a out of a, out of a scale of zero to 10. I guess I'm sitting at about a 2.5. So notice whatever sensation level you're feeling from zero to 10, and just let these words pass over you. Infinite Creator, all that you are, source of all that is, was, and never will be. We ask humbly and gratefully that you please help everyone listening to this and [00:13:30] all their relationships and all of their ancestors and all of their relationships throughout all space, time, dimension, realms, lives, lifetimes, and incarnations.

[00:13:40] Elizabeth Kipp: For all the times you felt let down by life, by family members, by relationships, or by anyone representing the Creator. For any time you felt let down by the Creator in any name or form. For any time you turned your back on the Creator or felt the Creator turn its back on you. Please, help you all forgive each other and forgive yourselves.

[00:14:01] Elizabeth Kipp: Be at peace with one another and at peace with yourselves. Please and thank you. For all the times you weren't nurtured, loved, supported, and cherished. Please help all of you to forgive each other and forgive yourselves. For the times you didn't nurture, love, and support others in the ways they needed.

[00:14:19] Elizabeth Kipp: For any time you were out of integrity with one another, or another out of integrity with you. Please help all of you to forgive and release one another, forgive and release yourselves. For the highest good, please and thank you. For all war, battle, holocaust, genocide, persecution, slavery, injustice of any kind, oppression, misuse of power, position, authority, politically, spiritually, medically, or in any other way.

[00:14:45] Elizabeth Kipp: Please help everyone involved to forgive each other and forgive yourselves. Now and forever, please and thank you. For all hurts and wrongs, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual, financial, in thought, word, or action. All of you to another and [00:15:00] another to all of you. Please help you all forgive each other, help you all forgive yourselves.

[00:15:05] Elizabeth Kipp: Please and thank you. For all suicide, murder, rape, abortion, infidelity, miscarriage, infertility, all of it, everyone involved directly or indirectly, for all that happened, all you made it mean, for any time anyone felt the energy of any of these in the womb, please help you forgive each other, help you all forgive yourselves, please and thank you.

[00:15:27] Elizabeth Kipp: For all empathic hurts and wrongs, the times you took on others unresolved issues or shouldered their burdens. For all adversity, struggle, and hardship you experienced, especially as children. Please help you all forgive each other and forgive yourselves. Forgive all family members and all relationships.

[00:15:43] Elizabeth Kipp: Please and thank you, Infinite Creator, all that you are. Please and thank you. For all the times you weren't shown or encouraged to stand up, speak up, and do things your way. For the times you didn't feel safe to say no when needed. And for any time your others didn't heed your no when you said it. Please help them forgive you.

[00:16:03] Elizabeth Kipp: Parents, your family members, your relationships, help them all forgive you. Help you all forgive yourselves, please and thank you. For all hurts and wrongs, anything we could have inferred had it served the highest good, we infer it now. For all that happened and all you made it mean, everything that led up to and arose from hurts, wrong, limitation, burdens of any kind that not serving the highest good, we humbly and gratefully ask, please help everyone involved directly or indirectly [00:16:30] to forgive your parents.

[00:16:31] Elizabeth Kipp: Grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, children. Help them all forgive you, help you all forgive yourselves. Please and Help you forgive your lovers, lovers, lovers, spouses. Spouses, lovers. Parents, lovers. Help them all forgive you. Help you all forgive yourselves. Please and thank you. Your whole family and lineage.

[00:16:50] Elizabeth Kipp: Help you forgive your cousins, aunts, uncles, uncles, cousins. Step in laws, hidden, secret, foster, adopted, and all other significant people, beings, family members, relationships, role models, and authority figures. Help you all forgive each other and yourselves. Please help us all release all weight, pain, burden, death, debt, negativity of any kind.

[00:17:13] Elizabeth Kipp: Spells, hexes, curses, psychic wounds, thrown or received, white magic, black magic, real or imagined. Help everyone infected here directly or indirectly to experience the light in each other and themselves now and forever. Please and thank you. Please and thank you. Please and And just take a nice big breath in and let it out and notice how that feels.

[00:17:38] Elizabeth Kipp: Big or small or different than when you started. 

[00:17:41] Amy: Well, I feel very, I feel very relaxed right now.

[00:17:50] Elizabeth Kipp: Isn't interesting?

[00:17:51] Amy: Yeah, I, I felt my breath, you know, regulating and becoming deeper as you were saying the prayer , thank you for sharing that with [00:18:00] us.

[00:18:00] Elizabeth Kipp: Oh, you're welcome. It's a beautiful practice. I've been in it for 10 years, almost every day, day in and day out with somebody on the planet. And I offer offering a free gift to everyone of, of a, a kind of an ebook of I think eight or 10 ancestral clearing prayers that you can use that kind of cover different bases.

[00:18:19] Elizabeth Kipp: And you can you can take home and, and, and use them on your own., 

[00:18:22] Amy: We'll share that with the listeners if, if you're happy to do that. And everyone who's listening and who also enjoyed that prayer and wants to reach out to Elizabeth, all of her links and information will be shared within the description of the episode.

[00:18:38] Amy: I am very relaxed right now. I can, I can, I can feel it as I'm, as I'm speaking. So that was wonderful and I hope everyone listening feels the same and enjoyed that prayer as well. Elizabeth, is there anything that you'd like to share with us before we go?

[00:18:52] Elizabeth Kipp: Well, I would like to say that I always like to end with the greatest healer lives within you. Doctors can set a bone and stitch up a wound, but they can't tell the body how to heal, right? It's, it's up to us to follow the best orders and guidance that, that all the healers give us. But in the end, You know, it's, it's, it's, it's inside of us that does the healing and and I, for me and on my own healing journey, that was so powerful and so important because it was very empowering.

[00:19:23] Elizabeth Kipp: I kind of understood the power structure a little bit better.

[00:19:25] Amy: Thank you for sharing that. And Elizabeth, thank you for joining me today on the show. Everyone [00:19:30] who's listening, thank you for listening and I hope you enjoyed it.

[00:19:32] Elizabeth Kipp: Well thank you so much. I, I, I really appreciate it. Have a great day. 
