The Holistic Health Show

Trauma Allowed me to Heal Others Through Intuition

January 02, 2024 Patrice Krysztofiak Season 1 Episode 30
Trauma Allowed me to Heal Others Through Intuition
The Holistic Health Show
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The Holistic Health Show
Trauma Allowed me to Heal Others Through Intuition
Jan 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 30
Patrice Krysztofiak

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Trauma Allowed me to Heal Others Through Intuition: Patrice Krysztofiak, a holistic health intuitive, shares medical intuition success stories! Discover intuition healing!

Ever feel like your body has secrets it wants to tell you? Like whispers just beneath the surface, yearning to guide your health journey?

Patrice doesn't just see bodies, he feels them. Through a unique gift of receiving visuals and messages directly from his clients, he's able to illuminate hidden imbalances and chart personalized paths to vibrant well-being.

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into:
•The power of intuition in healthcare: What is medical intuition, and how can it complement traditional medicine?
•Body wisdom decoded: How can we learn to listen to the subtle messages our bodies send us?
•Personalized health journeys: Discover how Patrice uses his intuitive insights to tailor health recommendations and unlock individual healing potential.
•From illness to empowerment: Explore inspiring stories of transformation, showcasing how medical intuition can lead to profound shifts in physical and emotional health.

This episode is a captivating window into the world of holistic healing, offering a powerful reminder that true well-being lies in honouring the whispers of our own inner wisdom. Get ready to open your mind, awaken your intuition, and take charge of your health journey in a whole new way.

Tune in now and embark on a journey of inner knowing and empowered health with Medical Intuitive Patrice Krysztofiak!

Author: The Holistic Health Show
Guest Speaker: Medical Intuitive, Patrice Krysztofiak
Category: Health and Wellness
Publish date: 2024-01-02
Duration: [00:37:10]



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Show Notes Transcript

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Trauma Allowed me to Heal Others Through Intuition: Patrice Krysztofiak, a holistic health intuitive, shares medical intuition success stories! Discover intuition healing!

Ever feel like your body has secrets it wants to tell you? Like whispers just beneath the surface, yearning to guide your health journey?

Patrice doesn't just see bodies, he feels them. Through a unique gift of receiving visuals and messages directly from his clients, he's able to illuminate hidden imbalances and chart personalized paths to vibrant well-being.

Prepare to be amazed as we delve into:
•The power of intuition in healthcare: What is medical intuition, and how can it complement traditional medicine?
•Body wisdom decoded: How can we learn to listen to the subtle messages our bodies send us?
•Personalized health journeys: Discover how Patrice uses his intuitive insights to tailor health recommendations and unlock individual healing potential.
•From illness to empowerment: Explore inspiring stories of transformation, showcasing how medical intuition can lead to profound shifts in physical and emotional health.

This episode is a captivating window into the world of holistic healing, offering a powerful reminder that true well-being lies in honouring the whispers of our own inner wisdom. Get ready to open your mind, awaken your intuition, and take charge of your health journey in a whole new way.

Tune in now and embark on a journey of inner knowing and empowered health with Medical Intuitive Patrice Krysztofiak!

Author: The Holistic Health Show
Guest Speaker: Medical Intuitive, Patrice Krysztofiak
Category: Health and Wellness
Publish date: 2024-01-02
Duration: [00:37:10]



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[00:00:00] Welcome to the Holistic Health Show where the worlds of science and spirituality converge to illuminate a path towards total well-being. Join us as we embark on a journey to bridge the gap between western medicine and complementary therapies, offering you a road map to embrace a proactive, holistic approach to your health. It's time to empower yourself with choices that nurture your body, mind, and soul. Welcome to a world of infinite possibilities for your optimal health. 

[00:00:33] Welcome back to the Holistic Health Show, and thanks again as always for joining me today. 

[00:00:38] Today, I have a special guest on the show. He is Patrice Christofiak, and he's joining us from France. Thank you so much. I know it's late, Patrice.

[00:00:47] Thank you for joining me today. 

[00:00:50] Thank you, Amy, for having me on 

[00:00:52] your show. It's my pleasure. Now, Patrice, you are a medical intuitive, and I'm pretty excited to learn a little bit more about [00:01:00] what this is, how you got into being a medical intuitive, and maybe a little bit about what you did before. I feel like this might have been an interesting journey, and I'd love to just hand it over to you to share that journey with us.

[00:01:14] Okay. So I'm going to start with what I was doing before and how I got there, actually. so I used to be a computer programmer, and then I Started in the early two thousand web agency, and I was building websites. And I was also writing software or tech stuff like this. And over the years, I was building my own website.

[00:01:34] And in two thousand and nineteen, I decided To build with a friend, a website that was a dentist directory for the French market but we did not respect regulation. We were just kids playing with sensitive data. Oh, gosh. And I act and I actually got sued for this website. Yeah.

[00:01:54] Because we didn't didn't you didn't ask permission to use the names of the dentist. We didn't realize [00:02:00] that actually, it's not like a company name. It does It's like private data because it's like the name of the person. Yeah. And it was very deceptive for the consumer Because we were thinking of finding dentist faster, blah blah blah.

[00:02:14] We did not work things correctly and I got sued because I was in the legal terms of the website, and I risked three hundred thousand dollars Euros is about seven dollars of a fine and three years in jail. So it went through the it's like the equivalent of the Better Business Bureau in France. Police actually is a commercial police. It's a different section of the police, but it's the same thing.

[00:02:38] So we had, like, the full interrogatory, like, in movies and everything. That was crazy. Wow. It was horrible. And I was like, oh my god.

[00:02:45] I'm never going to be able to pay this. I'm just a one man company. What am I going to do? Same time, my mom passed away. So I had a double depression on me, and I did not know what to do.

[00:02:57] And every night when I was go to bed, I would [00:03:00] Say please don't wake up the next day. I did not want to wake up anymore. Gosh. Did not have suicidal thoughts, But I did not want to leave anymore. And that's when my guitar teacher told me, Patrice, should do meditation.

[00:03:14] So I started meditation. Actually, my wife tried to get into meditation before, but I did not listen. So 

[00:03:20] listen. You know, it's always interesting. My husband is guilty of the same.

[00:03:24] I can tell him anything till I'm blue in the face, but somebody else says it to him one time, and he'll do it. Yeah. 

[00:03:30] So listeners, listen to your wife. Okay? Perfect.

[00:03:36] And I started meditation, and after A few weeks or months. I don't know because I did not keep a journal. Don't remember. I entered into the light for twenty seconds, and And I was at the lowest point in my life, and for this twenty seconds, I was surrounded by light and love and laughter. I was laughing so hard, it was hilarious.

[00:03:54] And my wife came to see me in the room and said, what's happening? Did you smoke weed or something? [00:04:00] And I said, no. I entered into the light. I don't know what it was.

[00:04:03] It's when people have NDEs or stuff like this, they say, yeah, turn into the light. When they die, it was the same thing. And that was it. That was just a short episode. And, But when I said to my wife, I cannot stay in France because the lawsuit was still going and stuff like this, it was just too much pressure.

[00:04:21] I said, we need a change of scenery. Let's go to Portugal. And we went to Portugal, and we got very, very lucky. This was right before COVID, and we could afford to Buy a little studio. The bank made us a mortgage so we could buy a a little studio there.

[00:04:38] And I said, okay. I'm fifty years old. I'm going to take care of myself For the first time in my life, because I was a total workaholic. I was working all the time. I really enjoyed working.

[00:04:47] That was not a bad thing but I'm going to take care of myself. I'm fifty years old, so I went for a massage every week to the massage place that was by our little apartment. But what I did not know is that the [00:05:00] lady was actually a real shaman, and she got trained by Nepalese monks. She actually went to Nepal to train there, and she was doing energy work, but did not know anything about energy work. And over the time, she Completely cleaned me up, and one day on the massage table, I vomited energy.

[00:05:17] I went, and it was like a texture coming out of my mouth. And I said, what's that? And she said, I got it. And we looked at each other, and I understood she got the darkness in me, from all the problems and stuff like this. And after the day, I felt really good.

[00:05:35] I felt free. I felt happy. I had this moment of Pure bliss just watching the gate of the garage open, for example. It was like orgasmic. Honestly, it was it was orgasmic.

[00:05:48] This was completely crazy. And then when people started to touch me, I would start to see little objects, like little emojis on them. I was like, What is that particular heart? If they were happy or [00:06:00] mask if it was a liar? And, 

[00:06:02] What You must have been very confused at first.

[00:06:06] Not confused because I totally embraced the journey. It's like at the same time, I remember that this thing existed. It was like my soul, remember, if I can say it like this. And it made total sense. It made total sense.

[00:06:20] I was not afraid. And this is what the lady was giving me the massage to missus. She was telling me, be careful with energies and things like that. I did not understand what she was talking about because I was not afraid of anything. And so that was it for for this moment.

[00:06:36] And then I went for another massage, and I started to experience this. This was like dreams, but it's like full HD. It's more real than this this reality. And that is when I started experimenting my own past lives. Mhmm.

[00:06:50] I was like, oh my god. This is amazing. Oh, for the first one, I did not realize what it was, I thought it was just a dream, but it was it had a different texture to it. It had the emotions. It [00:07:00] was, like, three hundred and sixty degrees.

[00:07:01] The Picture quality was full HD. I could not make that up make this up because with my glasses, I cannot see this clear. I could not invent this picture. I was like, what is this? This is something different.

[00:07:15] And this is when I started to research about past lives and stuff like that. I was like, oh my god. I got so lucky to experience this. Some people are looking to do this again and again, and I got ten trips like this of when I wear. So So that was it.

[00:07:27] Then we went back to France, lockdown, Appen, blah blah blah. And my wife was sick sick for more than ten years, And we did a Reiki course online just for fun because there was a lockdown. We didn't know what to do. We said, just do a Reiki course online. We bought a twenty dollars course, we thought it was completely fake, but in fact, that was perfectly real.

[00:07:46] It was absolutely amazing. And we did a return, my wife, to see if we could figure out a health problem because no health care professional could figure it out. She went through all the tests and stuff like this. We could not find out what She had she [00:08:00] had difficulties breathing. She has always low energy and her health was getting worse and worse.

[00:08:04] Her skin was getting worse. So we invented a ritual with some breathing, and we are goofing around. We are laughing so hard. We thought we're just crazy. And this is when I got my first flash.

[00:08:15] I saw inside our body like X-ray or MRI, but full HD. And I saw a parasite with a shape. And then I got a second flash, another parasite with a shape. I went immediately on Google. I said, what is that?

[00:08:30] I tap words. I That made absolutely no sense. And the first picture that came on Google image was actually my vision, actually. It was the name of the parasite with the picture. I could not make this up.

[00:08:42] I'm not a medical professional. I could not know this thing. And we got very, very lucky because this was during the lockdown, And we did not want people out. So we did the online appointment with a doctor, and we said, this is what my wife asked. She has a viparasite.

[00:08:59] We had [00:09:00] never heard of it. We looked it up in the dictionary. We have the books or whatever, and they printed us a PDF of the Prescription. We did not ask any lab test. Like, woah.

[00:09:12] We did not even ask for a lab test. This is just impossible. In France, you enter medicine, you need at least a lab test to prove that you have this disease. And we just give it like this. It was, like, organized By the guides or with the universe.

[00:09:25] I don't know whatever you want to call it. So that it was easy for us. So she took the medicine. She got, like, All the red dots on her skin, all the parasite died, and her health improved. This was my first vision inside the body for some people.

[00:09:40] So this is now my new shift of career is medical intuitive. I can help people with their health journey. So it's not always a vision like this but I'm going to to come back to it later because when some friends Ask us what Reiki was because we did not [00:10:00] we had never heard about Reiki and energy work. So we wanted to try So we have a friend. He's a executive of a big company in Germany, and he does not believe in energy at all.

[00:10:11] Right? Did not believe. And the guy is limping for many, many years. He's been limping. I do a Reiki session on him on the massage table here at home.

[00:10:21] We have a little place where we do a little massage. And I see a little movie when I'm on his leg. I see him kicking a a guy in the head, actually. And I hear a friend is like, oh, oh, oh, what's happening? And He says, I have the taste of blood in my mouth when he's screaming.

[00:10:40] And I'm saying I'm telling him, I'm seeing one of your past life. I think You're kicking a guy in the head, and the guy starts crying. He's like, oh, what's what's happening? And that's it. And when he gets off the massage table, he doesn't climp anymore.

[00:10:55] Instantly. Wow. But I what's the band? [00:11:00] That was absolutely crazy. So we did with other friends and people we know, and I had a lady with fibroid, and this was absolutely incredible.

[00:11:09] So it's a physical, I mean, I had the patient in front of me. I do a Reiki on her, and I start to see the energy of the fibroid. And this is the first time I could feel energy in my hands. It was like I was putting a gummy bear, but a long snake out of the belly of the woman. That was so weird.

[00:11:29] Honestly, that was so weird. I would tell myself this three years ago, I would think, Patrice, you're crazy. 

[00:11:37] I believe that. Yeah. And they made it to you.

[00:11:40] An amazing career switch, so I would imagine some of these things that were now suddenly occurring seemed, You know, almost unbelievable. Yeah. Since that you're living it. 

[00:11:51] Yeah. And I made a mistake in this session.

[00:11:53] I touched our belly. When I did my hands like this, it was doing moves. I don't know why I was doing moves. I was just [00:12:00] following my intuition. And one of my hand touched her belly and the energy of the February shot from my hand, and I had the burn mark inside my hand here.

[00:12:08] Physical burn mark. I have a photo, And I thought, oh my god. Energy is real. It's the real stuff. My the lady in Portugal was right, which is dangerous.

[00:12:17] You have to be careful about what you do. And I lost my my sight for two minutes. Wow. My eyesight went completely red. I was blind.

[00:12:26] I was just seeing red. And that's when I received a message in my head, please go outside, go touch a big rock. We're very lucky if there's a big rock in our garden. I touch the rock And my eyesight changed to green. And this is when I realized, oh my god.

[00:12:43] This is Archangel Raphael. I don't know why. I don't know how I knew this. I knew nothing about archangels. It was like an evidence this is an archangel, And my eyesight started to come back.

[00:12:57] So I go back to the patient, which were, like, five or six [00:13:00] minutes later. So My eyesight my eyesight recover and stuff like this. I continue the the Reiki, And I start to receive instructions very clearly. Like, in the news when there is sign language person in the corner on the TV, And it was two hands on my vision so that I could see the patient. And on top of my vision, I had two hands in the corner, and they were showing me mudras.

[00:13:25] And they were explaining me if you do this type of work, you have to do this mudras so the energy doesn't doesn't shoot through your body. I was like, woah. I did not know anything about Mudra's. I've never been to to Buddhist school or whatever. Just a regular or French man, you know, a geek.

[00:13:43] I just could not make this up. I was like, woah. This was so cool. And that continued. And then I was very curious.

[00:13:52] I really embrace the journey, so I went to see, like, other Reiki practitioners to talk with them. And they said, oh my god, Patrice, this is so cool. You are not Afraid. This is amazing. [00:14:00] And I wanted to know if this worked remotely because Reiki is supposed to work remotely.

[00:14:05] So I tried to find sick people. It was very, very difficult to find sick people who wanted to play the game, and I found a forum in the US, and I found ten people. Mhmm. And I asked them, please don't tell me your name. Don't tell me what you are.

[00:14:18] Don't don't even tell me if you're a man or a woman. I'm just going to use the nickname of the forum. It was very, very difficult To get information because I was beginning my journey. Mhmm. But the information got delivered in dreams, and it was full HD.

[00:14:34] I was like a little camera inside their body. So I would describe patient number one. This is what you have. And they were saying yes. So this is the name where incorrect because I not know the medical terms, but I was describing you have a lung disease or something in your lungs, right lung, there is something.

[00:14:51] I think for another idea, I saw dots all over our body. I said, this is dots and this is nervous problems. It's like your body is like a Picasso. I remember that's what I [00:15:00] told her. I told her your body is like a Picasso painting.

[00:15:03] There is a leg instead of your arm. I don't understand. The nervous system is completely messed up. And she said, yes. I have Lyme disease, and my Navrosystine is completely messed up.

[00:15:12] This was very incredible, but the most incredible one was a kid. This was a lucid dream that lasted It's seven hours because I'm completely lucid. I could talk with the organs and everything. a Kid with lung disease, and I start the dream, Full HD in his lens. That was so beautiful.

[00:15:30] I don't know if you've ever done, like medicinal plants like Ayahuasca or things like this. You get these visuals with colors that don't exist. Mhmm. In my dream, it's like that. It's like a resolution and colors that don't exist on earth.

[00:15:45] It was inside the body of the person. It was so beautiful like a hologram. And then I see this is crazy. I see Luigi from the video game Super Mario and Luigi. So he's a green guy, but I knew it was Archangel Raphael.

[00:15:59] And [00:16:00] I said, oh my god, Raphael. What are you doing, Luigi? And the length of the kid, and he's putting a sword out of the length, and that was it. That lasted a long time. This dream lasted seven hours.

[00:16:13] I don't know why it was and then a few days later I get a message from the parents, and this is a kid healed miraculously from his disease. That was just a miracle. We don't know what happened. And this has happened more and more from people I had dreams for. I don't know.

[00:16:29] It's not me. I'm not doing a healing, obviously. That was incredible. So I tried to reach that dream state in the day because it was too long in dreams because I would Put my intention every day before I would go to bed, but I would only get, like, one dream a week or two dreams a week. I said I want to help more people.

[00:16:48] It was obvious I could help people. I don't know that works. I just know it's working, but for me, that's enough. And then I started to practice during the day. And this is how I got to the medical intuitive.[00:17:00] 

[00:17:00] I started for free to see if I was crazy. And so it started I had, like, patients with little problematics. It's a little bit of big programmatic, like skin problems or or Chronic pain. I had a lot of chronic pain at the beginning. People don't know we have pain in their articulation or stuff like this.

[00:17:20] So I do the reading. The pain is gone after. We we don't know why, how. But now I know why, but at the time, I did not know why. And this is how I started my journey as a medical intuitive.

[00:17:33] aNd what was a very big game changer, one day at the medical doctor Booking a session with me. She says I have a hand disease in my hands. Nobody can figure out what it is. She could not bend her fingers anymore. Her finger was super puffy.

[00:17:47] reCeived clear instructions to on what to do because sometimes it's not purely holistic. I receive instructions that are very three d. Let's call it like this. It's like go buy this cream, put it on your fingers. [00:18:00] And I received instructions with a plant cream with a plant that she had never heard of.

[00:18:05] She went to see all the specialists. Nobody could figure out what she had. She said, go buy this cream. It's come free. It's very famous in France, but she had never Heard about it in the US, and she wrote to me thirty days later.

[00:18:16] She said her hand's completely healed. She can't fold her fingers. No problem. I had another lady with diabetes. Same thing.

[00:18:25] She asked me, can you help me? So I hear a yes or no in my ear, and I heard a no. But to say wait because I'm getting a visual. I'm seeing horses. So I'm telling her, are there horses by your house?

[00:18:36] And she says, yes. One point five miles away. And I received instructions. I said, go see them for thirty days. We can help you.

[00:18:44] I don't know how. This this service sounds crazy. The lady was so desperate, but she tried it. Thirty days later, her diabetes gone. It's, And this is how I go to medical intuitive, and now people are [00:19:00] calling me to get either information on what to do In the physical or get the holistic version, but does something.

[00:19:07] It's, 

[00:19:08] I can see why you were questioning yourself if you were crazy or not at first. It just all sounds so unbelievable, but the results you're getting are Amazing. You know? If you know, they're coming back and saying that it's all better. I'm I'm so intrigued by this.

[00:19:23] Which is great. Yeah. Yeah. How long have you been doing this for? 

[00:19:29] wEll, I started professionally because I'm still in a shift of career in July of this year but I started to do it for free and with dreams in November of last year.

[00:19:40] So the the journey was extremely quick, honestly. And I embraced every every session, everything, every experience. It's amazing. 

[00:19:50] That's what I was gonna say. It's just as well that you really embraced it because, I mean, it it's quite intimidating, all the things that are happening, you know, and and I could see many people just saying [00:20:00] no.

[00:20:00] You know, I'm not open to to these visions or you know, I'm not gonna go full feet. So it's it's a wonderful thing you've done. 

[00:20:07] Yeah. Because some visions are very disturbing especially for traumas because I've seen a lot of rapes and things like this. From my previous life, I can see the movie.

[00:20:15] What happened Jesus, I I relieve the scene. I feel the pain of people also. Yeah. But I feel like it's my duty to help people To recover it's extremely incredible on traumas. It's like, I can see the energy of a trauma on the body, either In the body or outside, sometimes it's outside like a ball of energy like this, and this can be manipulated.

[00:20:37] I don't know by which miracle Peter Fippel. That's all matters. That matters. And people, like women, the next day, they say, my god. I can walk in the street.

[00:20:44] I'm not afraid anymore. Wow. It's like I've Wow. That's powerful. Yes.

[00:20:49] It's incredible. Honestly I'm blown away. Yeah. And I know it's not me. I'm obviously not I don't know by which force, but where.

[00:20:58] I'm just a channel 

[00:20:59] for [00:21:00] some man. Gift you've been given. It's yeah. So I'm curious how I I guess I have two questions, and they they may kinda bounce off each other. The first one is, you know, if you're just walking in the street, do you just it does it occur that somebody you don't know who hasn't approached you or asked you a question, you're You're suddenly overwhelmed by their energy.

[00:21:24] Yeah. I guess that's my first question. We'll start there. Can it happen that it just you see something even if somebody isn't asking you for help and you just become overwhelmed by that sensation? 

[00:21:34] sO yes.

[00:21:35] I can see like this. If I want to, I can turn it off. If I want now, at the beginning, I could not turn it off. Was I've been I was supposed to learn, but I'm not overwhelmed. And this is one of my gift.

[00:21:46] YeAh. I don't get the other people's emotion in me. I'm not affected at all. It's like I have this bubble of protection. So I've met mediums and over professionals who can see energies.

[00:21:57] And they told me I have a bubble of energy around me all the time, and [00:22:00] we had never seen that. It's very unique. 

[00:22:03] Yeah. Wow. And then sorry.

[00:22:05] The this the other question has eluded me. It's just sitting here. I guess oh, yes. Do you so then you don't need to necessarily have somebody's permission to see these visions, but I guess Your approach with them, you'd only be approaching people who are coming to you, or or have you had an instance where, you know, you've gone up to some random stranger and said, hey. I just felt called to speak to you or tell you this, or how do you kind of approach navigate, I guess, all that?

[00:22:33] People find me. I don't know by which miracle, From all over the world. I've had people from India, from Amazon. We don't even have Internet behind me. It's like it's coming from a divine source.

[00:22:45] I have no idea. Well and sometimes, yes. It happened two times actually that I helped random strangers. Once I at the hairdresser, I saw a flash in the lady's length, the dresser. I said, what's wrong with your [00:23:00] length?

[00:23:00] I saw a lightning bolt, And she said I'm having a lung problem since the beginning of the year, and it doesn't go away. And we did a session in the hairdresser, but one week later, it was gone. And the other guy was a shaman from Amazonia, and he was working in front of me. And I saw you he had clothes on, and I saw a red Flash in his back like a little circle. And I said, what's wrong with your back?

[00:23:23] I saw a red dot. So it's not always very clear how the information is transmitted, but it's enough To start the discussion. Mhmm. Well, he said, yes. I used to build roofs and completely destroyed my body.

[00:23:36] And I said, if you want we can try. And he said yes. I was very surprised. He said yes because I'm just a beginner and I'm not from this world of energy stuff, really. And you could describe exactly what was happening in my head and that blew my mind.

[00:23:51] He said, oh my god. You are like a scanner of light. It's like a laser pointer that gets through all the cells of the body, and it goes directly where the pain is or the source [00:24:00] of the pain. So we did this. And the next morning, he said, Patrice, something incredible happened.

[00:24:07] He said, I had a lamp in the top of my back. I didn't tell you about He said it's gone. I had it for years. And absolutely mysterious and amazing. And the guy Hugged me, and it was incredible.

[00:24:20] He was blown away. Me too. And so yeah. 

[00:24:23] Of course. I I would imagine that, you know, especially this being so you know, you didn't necessarily grow up with this sort of you know, in this world.

[00:24:31] Mhmm. So it must be even still. And I know it's still kinda fresh for you, but every time you go through this, you must kinda think, wow. You know? How did I do that, and and how amazing is it that I I was able to do that?

[00:24:43] Oh, yeah. And to answer your question before because it's I wanted to add something. Even in sessions, I do not see everything. Some things are only accessible if people ask, and I don't know why it's still something I'm investigating. I [00:25:00] cannot see everything if people don't tell me everything.

[00:25:02] So at the beginning in my first session, yes. But it's less and less the case. People have to be more precise in their question. They have to tell me I have a problem with my knee or with my liver Okay. Or I have fatigue.

[00:25:15] So if They tell me I'm I have a lot of of lack of energy. So in my mind, I ask where is the lack of energy from? And The I'm going to get the vision for the source of the problem. So it can be the liver, for example, or the digestion, or sometimes it's a family member that makes them tired. I say, okay.

[00:25:32] Maybe your mom is screaming at you all the time and she makes you tired. It's it's incredible. Yeah. I wanted to add this because this is important. Yeah.

[00:25:41] Because I had a case with a guy. He said, oh my god. Just a medical interview. You're supposed to find everything. I don't need to tell you anything.

[00:25:48] And he was super upset, and he did not tell me anything, and I did not find anything. That was a very big lesson for me. 

[00:25:55] Mhmm. Well, there needs to be a two way street sometimes, and the person I guess there's an [00:26:00] element of, you know, that sort of, Approach. It it kinda feels closed off, and so how are you really gonna get past that wall if there's already kind of this wall up and a block there, I would imagine.

[00:26:11] Definitely. Mia, it feels like that. Anyway, I I don't really know, but it just some you know, having worked with energy myself, that's what it what it reads to me as, you know, somebody who's trying to test you and of putting a block up. Mhmm. YEah.

[00:26:26] So sometimes it's a matter of, you know, you do this scan and you you see you know, like a sort of like a treatment, like go see the horses or put the cream on. But then you mentioned other times, like in the case with the boy who had the lung problems. It's not that you actually you didn't go tell him to do anything, did you? You just did this scan, and then you saw that a sword being taken out of his lungs, and then this was all that needed to happen for him to to Lose you know? 

[00:26:55] He Yes.

[00:26:55] Sometimes some beings come and do the work. That's what people call archangels, [00:27:00] angels, and Ascended masters. I've seen like Buddha or other ones like Kuan Yin. Some I did not even know, so I could not make them up to research them because I didn't know where where. I said, oh my god.

[00:27:13] I've seen this picture. Who is that? So and I I'm asking other people, and I look on the Internet, and it's a picture I see. I did not know this picture. I could not make this up.

[00:27:22] Yeah. And for some people, it's past lives also. I see a lot of past lives, Which is actually, I read back last week in Buddhist text. We say that eighty percent of diseases in of poor are issued from past life. The sales remember the problem.

[00:27:39] Yeah. I've done two recordings now. One one is currently published on past live healing, and it's the stuff we hang on to is, You know, it's a shame, really, that we do hang on to it because it it impacts us for from, you know, whatever life it started in until. So [00:28:00] Past life work is is also remarkable. Now I had a question about when you're doing these scans or you're connecting with these people, Are you also sending Reiki or you're not?

[00:28:12] I 

[00:28:12] am not. Music might okay. But this is going to sound very, very crazy Because now I know more about who I am or who I am. What technology I use. Let's call it like this.

[00:28:24] So I know I use biophotans, which is a human thing. We emit light. Everybody emits light. This is scientifically proven. And my vibration is so high that I can send the photons direct them to the patient and that helps the patient raise its vibration.

[00:28:42] And we have a if they have a higher vibration, that helps There are organs heal faster. So I'm not a healer. Clearly I know I'm not a healer. I'm just helping them with my energy. It's like when you're around happy people, you become more happy.

[00:28:57] And if you are happy, you get less sick. It's just [00:29:00] that's so it works. If you're depressed, you have more more chances to be sick. Now am I going to say this? Because this is absolutely crazy.

[00:29:12] Okay. So during meditation, I was talking about this on onboard on a a starship, actually. Not physically, just my soul. That's a visual I got when they showed me a screen with symbols. And I came back with knowledge it was just in as a sole level, it was very abstract.

[00:29:28] But I knew it was real. It was very likely when you do Ayahuasca something like this, but I did not take any substances. I don't do substances, so I knew it was not a trip. And I met over healers because some healers come to see me to get cleaned or to get healed or so because we need we need it too. And some people can see energies, and we could we could see what I do and basically, who I am, where I'm where my soul is coming from.

[00:29:55] And they said I'm bringing a new technology for this planet, and I'm going to teach it to other [00:30:00] humans. And they say I'm working on the, like, a surgical surgery, But at a very high speed, it's very, very fast. It's like one hundred to two hundred times faster than anything that we have seen. So, of course for your audience, because she's going so crazy. Yeah.

[00:30:18] I'm 

[00:30:18] sure it's gonna resonate with a lot People, I mean, it's just the the success stories that you have. It can sound crazy all at once. If it works, it works. And it's Yeah. It works.

[00:30:26] Yeah. Incredibly interesting. 

[00:30:28] And we say we have never seen anybody work like this at this speed. So I don't see it because I don't see energy, so I have trust what they say and several people who don't know each other said the same thing. So I suppose this is true.

[00:30:41] It's extremely fast. So I Basically repair. So what they explained to me is that we have this physical body and we have this energetical body, the spherical body, that's the copy. I work on the copy. I fix the copy so it can fix later the physical.

[00:30:54] So that's what they explained to me in simple human terms, But I work very, [00:31:00] very fast on this a foracal surgery. This is all I can tell you because I'm still, She's very fresh for me and new to this world, which is blowing me away. 

[00:31:13] I'm very keen to, Keep up to date on on your journey as you grow. I can only imagine you're going to, you know, gather more information and, Yeah. Through the experiences that you'll have, I'm sure your understanding will grow, and I'm I'm very keen to to follow that.

[00:31:31] So anybody who is listening, who is like me and would like to follow that, where how can we do that? How can we you know, do you have a Facebook page or a website? How can we kinda Keep following these success stories and the information that you're, you know, you're sharing with 

[00:31:44] us. Yes. So I only have a website.

[00:31:47] It's night shift guy dot com. So I use this domain because I thought I would do this on dream like Edgar Casey, basically. Mhmm. But then I did this during the day. So it's night ship guide dot com, and there's Instagram [00:32:00] page the bottom, you can click on the link, and people can contact me via this.

[00:32:03] Awesome. Well, I think we'll leave it there, but I would love to, you know, suggest to you that I that to come back to come back on the show again and And, Chet Moore, when you, you know, you've grown and you've learned more and you have more to share, I'm certainly gonna click on Instagram and follow you on there. And anybody who's interested in I guess, is it a session that they book with you? You know, how Can somebody send you an email, or do they book online? And how how do they book, I suppose, is my question.

[00:32:34] And then what does the journey look like? I wanna know anybody who who might want to get in touch with you has something that they feel like needs to be healed. How can they do it, and and what do they expect? 

[00:32:44] Okay. So we can book from your website, my chief guide dot com.

[00:32:48] There's a calendar. sO I take on two clients a day. The sessions are not timed. This is a choice I have done because during COVID, there were too many lonely people. And I want [00:33:00] to take care of people the right way.

[00:33:02] So sessions can be very long. Can be three hours, four hours. Whatever needs to be done, we do it this day. So just be prepared. Don't don't expect a one hour session.

[00:33:13] I don't use a timer. So what the journey looks like, it's like when the patient comes, so I do a first reading without knowing anything about his or her condition Just to prepare the exchange of energy with our bodies so we can communicate better. I tell them what I see. So sometimes it's very abstract Because it's geometry, and this is when I suppose I'm on the epherical body Mhmm. Because I see lines and things like this.

[00:33:40] And when this process is finished, so the first reading lasts between one minute to ten or fifteen minutes. It depends. It's very viable. People sometimes feel energies during this process or see colors, we see things. And then we can ask all the questions they want.

[00:33:58] There's no limit to the number of [00:34:00] questions, and we address them one by one. So they ask me you have a problem with my eye. I look at the source problem. I can tell them you don't eat enough carrots, for example. I don't know.

[00:34:10] Because we are lacking a vitamin or something like this, sometimes I tell them go to the dentist that's what we need. I totally believe in science. I'm not against science. I my my hope is that we can join science and holistic for the best part. As well.

[00:34:23] Mhmm. Yeah. And when there's something happening and sometimes people have somatic experiences, we shake, we cry, we We dance. We start to speak light language. And more recently, this is a very, very new, I would say, since Last month, month and a half I believe this is part of the big awakening.

[00:34:44] I have more and more people who activate their gifts. So we have their eyes closed, and suddenly they open their eyes, and they say, oh my god. Patrice, you have colors around you. I can see your aura, or people start to get visual or People start to channel. It's absolutely [00:35:00] incredible what's happening.

[00:35:02] So it's like we get activated during during the session, and we activate their psychic gifts. I have more and more. 

[00:35:08] So these people, do they have to come in person, or are you doing this online as well? Because I know you said that you were seeing people in the States. 

[00:35:15] I do it on Zoom online.

[00:35:16] I have people from all over the place, Canada, Australia, Poland United States, It's everywhere. There is no need. 

[00:35:26] So that person is sitting on Zoom with you. It's not that, It's not that they're not engaging with you. You're you're connecting via Zoom for the entire duration of the of the session regardless of how long that might be.

[00:35:38] Yes. Yep. So you need to be in a quiet environment and have a good Internet connection, that is a minimum. 

[00:35:45] Yeah. Wow.

[00:35:46] I'm definitely gonna follow your journey. You've piqued my interest. I'm I'm very keen to learn more and to, to see how you grow with this. I wanna thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing with us all. I'm going to share your websites.

[00:35:59] So [00:36:00] anybody who was as interested in as I am in the episode today, head over to the night shift guy dot com. And if you scroll down, you'll also find the link to Instagram. You can follow Patrice there and reach out. Send him a message. And if you have questions, Definitely ask away.

[00:36:16] You can also comment on if you're watching this video version on YouTube, then you can post your comments right there on the video, and I'll make sure they get to Patrice as well. So thank you, Patrice, for joining today. I know it's late, and I don't wanna keep you too too long, but I really appreciate your time. 

[00:36:34] Thank you so much for having me on your show. It's amazing.

[00:36:37] Thank you. Alright, everyone. If you've enjoyed the episode today, like I said, comment, let us know, reach out to Patrice, and make sure you hit the like button. Thanks again.

[00:36:51] Thanks for joining me on the holistic health show. If you enjoyed the episode, subscribe now and [00:37:00] get ready to embark on an incredible journey toward holistic wellness. Until next time, be well and stay